商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:jackaivi.qy6.com 供应Electrical Folding Machine_江阴杰法贸易有限公司
联系人:徐先生 先生 (经理)
电 话:510-86251926
手 机:13915206868


供应Electrical Folding Machine


    Electrical control folding machine, adopts a special hydraulic structure principle. By using this hydraulic folding machine it can reduce the working intension and complete the work which can not be reached by manual equipments. The hydraulic Folding machine has greater flexibility than the bending machine, no special mold, low cost, easy to move, more suitable for construction site use. Folding machine twenty years to become one of our leading products, very mature and reliable, and formed a series, hydraulic, electrical, pneumatic, hand and foot models, optional strong. The knives and knives can easily adjust, and with different knife: a high knife (combined), short sword (integral), round knives, circular knives, shoe knives, according to the processing needs of users Just choose a different knife and appropriate adjustments will be able to fold a sheet metal arc different angles or different side of the box member, plate pieces, shaped parts, for long and wide sheet metal fold out or rounded edges, with a high degree of flatness or arc. Very suitable hardware, kitchenware, lamps, furniture, appliances, tin, wind pipe production and other industries, is the ideal necessary equipment.

Ducting Machine, Duct making machine, HVAC ductwork machine, Duct Machine Manufacturer

徐先生 先生 (经理)  
电  话: 510-86251926
传  真: 510-86251926
移动电话: 13915206868
公司地址: 中国江苏江阴市No.44 Lidu city garden
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公司主页: http://jackaivi.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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江阴杰法贸易有限公司 公司地址:中国江苏江阴市No.44 Lidu city garden
徐先生 先生 (经理) 电话:510-86251926 传真:510-86251926
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